What We Do

History often repeats itself. With industry experience dating back to 1977, our team has the knowledge and experience to provide clarity in uncertain environments.


Value Offering

We provide domestic and international strategic management consulting with an emphasis on advanced risk management techniques.

It’s rare to find a consulting firm with true international risk management experience. The talent found at BRIC is unrivaled in the industry.
— Managing Director, Global Insurance Brokerage Firm

Sample List of Services

General Business Consulting

  • Long-term strategic planning

  • Program and project management

  • Change management

  • Operations management

  • Financial analysis

  • Advice to executive management

  • Business plan development and review

  • Development and implementation of business management systems

  • Contract review

Insurance & Risk Management (Domestic/ Global)

  • Program review and analysis

  • Representation with brokers and underwriters

  • Evaluation of deductible, co-insurance, and self-insured retention efficacy

  • Program placement

Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Assistance in the identification of acquisition targets

  • Perform preliminary due diligence

  • Perform full risk management due diligence

  • Evaluation of target's risk management programs and claims history as well as post-acquisition exposure to buyers

  • Risk mitigation techniques

  • Development of post-merger or acquisition integration strategy

  • Coordination with M&A counsel to develop appropriate risk management terms and conditions



Claims and Litigation

  • Review and analysis

  • Strategic and tactical recommendations

  • Policy review

  • Interface with insurance companies

  • Negotiations with claims representatives and counsel

  • Mediation and arbitration

  • Expert witness testimony

Captive Programs

  • Evaluation and recommendations

  • Feasibility of captives

  • Determination of appropriate domicile

  • Evaluation of tax advantages

  • Coordination and identification of captive managers

  • Representation with captive regulators

Risk Identification, Mitigation, and Financing

  • Evaluation of the enterprise risk exposures

  • Identification of discreet exposures to risk

  • Evaluation and implementation of strategies to reduce or eliminate risk

  • Insurance analysis and implementation

  • Self-insurance analysis

  • Actuarial analysis